About this blog

This blog is dedicated to patients and family members who encounter Alzheimer’s Disease which is the most common dementia but just as vicious, tedious and tormenting as the other dementia.It is never easy. I have seen many family members with dementia cry before me (that is why there’s always a tissue box on top of my office table), squabble in front of me, call me up in the middle of the night crying. There have been instances too where I come up diagnosing a patient with dementia and the family member caregiver (often unpaid) with depression. Yeah, it’s that depressing.  Even I, despite my often misunderstood steely demeanor, sometimes cry, even weep with them. It brings out the worst in you. It brings out the best in you. And yes, I get to laugh with them too.To many, the prospect of Alzheimer’s Disease is scary. It is. But it does not have to be. The key is recognizing the disease early.

And while there is no eraser for aging and dementia, there are drugs to retard its progression.And a daily dose of humor doesn’t hurt!

This blog is also for those of  us who are confronted with aging issues – aging parents, aging co-worker, aging spouse,  aging body, aging world.

All these will unfold as the blog evolves.

And I hope we  will all be in this together (perpetuating the blog Sweetie, not the Alzheimer’s Disease and aging, LOL)

436 thoughts on “About this blog”

  1. milagros precioso said:

    thanks,doc for creating this blog. i m caregiver of my hubby who has vascular dementia. it’s not easy. you need enough patience,knowledge about the disease and enough love to care for a person with vascular dementia. i would surely learn more about this dementia from the sharing of others.

  2. @ Mila

    Hello Ate Mila! Thanks for finding your way to my blog. My blogs on dementia are in the earlier posts (See those published in February). I intend to write more about problem behaviors that come with dementia in the future. Meanwhile I hope the ones I’ve published are helpful for now.

    All the best to you and the family,


  3. Annabelle Gonzales Nottingham said:

    doc Eva,
    Luv your blog site.how about arthritis issues? interesado gyud ko ano ba ang mga prevention nasa diet ba jejejeje sakit akong elbow or me just getting old na 😦

    Thank You daan!

    • @ Annabelle,

      Hi Belle! Thanks. Sure, I will write about it but I’ve about three dozen drafts still waiting to be finished .
      ‘Arthritis’ might take time. Meanwhile, thanks for finding your way to my blog, thanks for reading. Keep your
      comments coming.

      All the best,


  4. great blog dealing with aging parents and also appreciate the humor as well as factual information

  5. Marie Taylor said:

    Thanks for visiting and deciding to follow my blog. I hope you will find your time well spent – and keep up the dialogue on your own site. Well done. Marie

  6. Hallo, thanks for stopping by my blog. It can be overwhelming taking care of the elderly. But some do have quite a high sense of humour. My mum is now 84 and she make fun of her back and her knees because sometimes she cannot get up from her seat to go to bed. The humour somehow makes the pain lighter. But I guess it is difficult for many families. Keep fighting the good fight. Someone somewhere always appreciates and cares.

    • @ omwaombara

      And thanks to you too for dropping my my blog. I can see you have an all encompassing interest. But I’m glad the advocacy for older persons is among one of yours. I have heard so many good stories about how most of Africa treat the older persons. I’ll be coming up with a post with that theme one of these days (It remains a draft today) based on the accounts of some people from Africa I have had the chance to meet and work with in the past. There may not have been a lot of them but they gave me more than enough to work on.
      Cheers to you!


  7. So glad to encounter this. What a fascinating idea for a blog. I loved what I’ve read so far. Very honored to be following you!

  8. sueromeiser said:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and I find yours very interesting.

  9. hardrock45 said:

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. Hope to see you again. Your blog is informative and lighthearted. Nice job.

  10. clownonfire said:

    At 107yrs old, I like to think I’m your oldest reader.
    Le Clown

  11. Right Thinking said:

    I received an email regarding the positive effects of coconut oil for Alzheimer patients. Any thoughts on this?

    • Thanks for finding your way to my blog and for commenting. E-mail from whom or which entity? Coconut oil (commercially they’re marketed as Virgin Coconut Oil) has not yet been included in the mainstream regimen for Alzheimer’s, conventional evidence based nor adjunctive therapy.

      • Right Thinking said:

      • Thank you! I’ll check that out. But still we’d like the research to come from peer reviewed and refereed journals.

      • Right Thinking said:

        That’s why I was asking you regarding the story. I don’t put much stock in the mainstream media. Someone in the medical field or possessing an above average interest in the subject often provide some decent facts to follow.

      • Hi! Thanks for sharing the video in toto. I watched it and at best it struck me as a testimonial, an anecdotal report and infomercial. The role of ketones is in the fringes, if at all, in the cause of Alzheimer’s Disease, the core of which being abnormal proteins and depletion of a chemical called ‘acetylcholine’ The label and brand of a particular coconut oil being highlighted militates against an impartial report of unadulterated scientific value.
        But I am not closing my doors to any complementary or adjunctive treatment. By all means I see no harm in trying this but I will keep the conventional regimen still.

      • Right Thinking said:

        Thanks for your thoughts on the matter.

    • Usha Vipin said:

      Yes, coconut oil, if possible the virgin type is very helpful. I have tried it on my wife for last 1 and half year, 76 yr old, in second stage of AD. Had I come across the information some 6 yr earlier, perhaps she would be able to look after herself with her own decisions and efforts. Now she understands but cant act as she would like to, but cooperates on almost all occasions, for all the help given to her.

  12. Wow! Your blog’s really informative 🙂

  13. I am so honored that you like my post about retirement, and more importantly, that I found your blog in return.

    I recently lost my father to early onset Alzheimer’s. I think the universe wanted me to find your site.

    Thank you.

  14. Wonderful! I saw you commented on my blog so I came over to check out your site. What an interesting and rich background you have. Beautiful colorful stories. I loved the one about medical school.

    Best to you!


  15. I found your blog while trolling in fb, reading my previous boss’ blog. I refused to get old but I can now relate to this humor. I need to laugh. Thnx

  16. Thanks for visiting my blog, it is always nice to get new visitors. My daughter used to work for Alzheimers Australia. I am certainly interested in following your blog.

  17. alivingoddity said:

    I’m glad you liked a post on my blog, otherwise I would’ve never found yours! My grandfather has Alzheimer’s disease and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading through some of your posts. Very informative and extremely well written. I’ll be sure to follow your blog more closely.



    • Evan,

      Thank you for finding my post helpful. Along the way though, you’ll find some unrelated posts – they’re to keep my sanity. I’ve only been writing seven weeks and I am enjoying immensely the interaction and exchanges I have with the blogging community.



  18. My parents will be there soon.

  19. Thanks for the like on my little blog, which is considerably less important and well thought-out than yours. Keep up the good work over here – J.

    • J

      Thanks! But you’re the one having fun with the kid. Thanks for dropping me this note! I appreciate it. In these parts Banana Republic is high street. We’d probably be seen at the Gap.


      • Ha! Fact: Totally was not Banana Republic we were shopping at, but the store here is local and no one would have got the name. Banana Republic just sounds funny. 🙂

  20. Thank you visiting my blog and liking it. I’m sure I shall come back to your thought-inspiring blog…probably every time I discover a new wrinkle in my face!

  21. drgeraldstein said:

    A much needed enterprise. Good luck with it. Many of us, if not all of us, will have to deal with this sooner or later.

  22. Thank you for visiting Ghummakkad and thus, making me come to this beautiful blog.

  23. I’d think of something profound to say but I am still pondering the age of the left knee…. I’ve enjoyed your blog very much. Important topic and a great read!

  24. Thank you for liking my blog post! My Grandmother was (very) recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s… I look forward to returning here to your blog in the future!

  25. I appreciate your storytelling gift. I’m looking forward to more!

  26. Just back from visiting a 95 year old auntie in a nursing home so I know where you’re coming from. Thanks for stopping by.

  27. Wonderful blog! I lived with my aunt who was diagnosed w/ Alzheimers at 61 years old for nine very long months. It’s not anything one can explain to another without direct experience. Just 4 years later she passed on.
    My parents were the only two people she (barely) recognized, She was in good physical shape at 65 but had no mental capacity and very minimal speech. She managed to say this to my Mom the day before she died, “I’m leaving”.
    She led a beautiful soulful life and left the planet a better place.
    Thanks for this blog.

  28. I’ve decided to follow you from my other blog as this one may go inactive. Don’t know if it will show me as riding2horses or @jeweled_phoenix, but it’s meeeeee and I’ll be quietly tucked in a corner vicariously traveling with you till I’m 100 (and it’s not all that far away so I appreciate your appreciation for the aging). Bravo on the blog success. Cheers!

  29. I believe things happen for a reason. I’m not sure what brought you to read my blog, but when I was directed to yours, I immediately found a common thread. I was the caretaker for my mother who suffered with Alzheimers for nearly eight years. I have many journals filled with my thoughts during those years. I wished I had known how to share them a few years ago. Mom passed in January 2010. I found many blessings along the way. I will enjoy reading your thoughts too. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Thanks a lot for your support on Once and Future City, it’s appreciated….

  31. I need this blog, I have aging parents and I appreciate your time and thoughts on this subject….Thank you!

  32. sounds so interesting and worthwhile. shall be reading you!

  33. Thanks for liking my post An American Abroad – On the Road to Bath.

  34. lisamarielawler said:

    Thanks for visiting my blog. The older my parents get the quirkier and funnier they seem to be. Yet there are times like when they tell me the same story 3 times having forgotten they told it to me before that the reality of their ages sets in. Your blog is beautful and interesting 🙂

  35. This hits close to home.

  36. Wow – what an incredible blog. I too have experienced these concerns …. perhaps one day we will truly understand the mechanics of this disease. Also, thank you for visiting “Eyes of the Mountain”. I know our paths will cross again.

  37. Thanks for liking my post. I concur that humour is required if one is to cope with the Alzheimer’s Disease of a person one loves. My mum had much humour while still able to enjoy such even as her disease worsened.

    • Thanks for visiting my blog and for commenting. I appreciate the fact that you can relate to my blog. I know Alzheimer’s in the family is never easy and sometimes the only way is to add a dash of humor every day.



  38. mmurniati said:

    Hi there keep up the spirits! I can only say this as memories of my late grandfather race back in my mind. He had the Alzheimer’s many years ago and I used to attend him for few hours in a week.

    And thank you for liking my entry on Hajj yesterday.

    • Thank you. I admire people who take care of people with Alzheimer’s Disease with patience and understanding especially because I know it’s never easy. Thanks for sharing this.
      The Hajj is always a soulful spiritual journey. Your post was moving as it was informative. My pleasure to have run into it.



  39. This is really great, I used to work exclusively with Alzheimer’s patients and it really is difficult emotionally. Now I have a son who is autistic and he’s so unpredictable I feel like I have Alzheimer’s!! 🙂

  40. Thanks for dropping by my site. I like what I see here – coincidentally I’m passionate about raising awareness for Alzheimer’s, dementia etc too. I realised how little people know about the diseases and how often we neglect it (too busy to care? or simply assuming that these little tell-tale signs are not worthy of attention?) I’m learning, and I hope to spread the word similarly to more people who should know. Thank you for writing.

  41. A daily dose of humor – well said, and remedy for many ills in life! ❤

  42. Thanks for your like on my latest post. Yeah I had a great two days with them and hope to go back to help out again, and see the doctors too

  43. It is a very tough disease. When I was a caregiver to these individuals I did enjoy them and the struggling was over for them at the end of the disease as they were in their own world. It was the hardest on the families who had lost their loved one but hadn’t been allowed to grieve their loss yet.

  44. glad you found my blog so i could find yours! you’ve got some great perspective! gave you a shout-out on twitter.

  45. This kind of compassionate and well-informed forum is not only a must for those dealing with dementia of any sort but also all of the age-related issues that call for intensive and watchful caregiving. Thanks for being here! Kathryn

  46. thank you for stopping by and liking my post !…hope you stop by more often cheers!

  47. I applaud you and your blog for what you are doing. I personally find Alzheimer’s such a scary disease. But at the same time, I try to read as much as I can about it so if I or a family member are ever in the situation, I can be prepared (as much as possible). Glad to have found your blog!

  48. Hi thanks for liking my post. cheers

  49. Hey, thanks for visiting and liking my latest post.

  50. Hi,
    I wanted to take a moment and thank you for visiting my Blog. I am new to WordPress, but not to blogging. However WordPress has a learning curve for sure. I am looking forward to sharing more of my stories.

    I also wanted to thank you for writing about aging, dementia and Alzheimer’s. I am myself dealing with aging parents and the problems they encounter, its very emotional and highly stressful. Keep up the good work.


    • Hello Scott. Thanks for dropping by to write this comment. Thank you for the kind words. You are so right about your sentiments as regards dementia. I may not be the right person to say this but I’d say welcome to WordPress. It’s been a lovely journey with it as well.



  51. Thank you, Eva for dropping by and following my blog. Waiting for more posts from you! Keep ’em coming!


  52. Thanks for liking my blog. I watched my Grandfather deteriorate rapidly after my Grandmother died. We had no idea he had dementia (acerbated by alcohol consumption) until she died – somehow she had managed to hide it from us all. This is a really important subject and something that people often don’t like discussing so it’s great to read more here.

  53. I worked as a registered nurse in an Alzheimer’s unit, and it was both heart-breaking and heart-warming. It always touched me when the patients would ask, “Are you coming back?” and I became very attached to all of them. People who were feisty and full of vinegar one day would suddenly take a turn for the worse and take to their beds. They would stop eating and quickly decline. Medication can only help for so long. And many refuse to take their medications.

    • Thanks for sharing your insights Dawn.As a nurse you are there first hand to witness and feel, albeit vicariously what AD patients go through. I just see them a couple of hours each visit. It’s a very frustrating disease. Other families consider it a death sentence in slow motion. I hope there will be a breakthrough in AD treatment soon.



  54. Thank you for visiting my blog “Eyes to Heart” and liking my post “Mediterranean Meditation.” … Your blog looks very interesting and as we are all getting older and facing the issues of age it is more than appropriate. Thanks for sharing … Be well, Dorothy 🙂

  55. Really great idea for your blog ! Thank you for liking my latest post – really appreciate it =)

  56. Serendipity connecting with your blog! (You liked my Serendipity post.) I am the youngest of nine siblings (two now deceased). The oldest two (80 and 78) have various health issues that require a lot of attention: my sister is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and my brother is diabetic and blind. So, I will follow your blog and see what I can see. Thanks.

  57. Thanks for liking my post Time to Land.

  58. Wow. Just checked out your blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  59. Hey, thanks for the like! Alzheimers you say? Why i used to babysit an alzheimers patient– around and around the block we would go until he finally decided yes. That was his house. This, plus his wicked and random sense of humor made it a fantastic job:) You must have a great collection of stories. I look forward to checking them out!

  60. Hi Eva

    Congrats!!! I would love to nominate you for the versatile blogger award at http://asifazunaidha.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/passing-the-cup-thank-u-for-the-versatile-blogger-award/ 🙂

  61. Thanks for visiting one of my blogs, found in france, I am glad you enjoyed today’s post.
    Alzheimer’s is such a cruel disease. I cared for a great-aunt several years back who had advanced Alzheimer’s during the years I was the caregiver. I remember her as she was when I was young and always will.
    Bon courage!

  62. Congratulations on creating a blog to improve the quality of lives of those who intimately know the consequences of aging, and its associated medical problems.

  63. Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me a chance to read yours. Have a great day!

  64. My mother died of Alzheimer’s about 10 years ago after 13 years of suffering. During the early stages I tried to comfort her with, “But at least you’re not suffering a lot of pain.” “Oh,” she replied sadly, “You can’t imagine the emotional pain of knowing that you’re losing your mind.” God bless you for making a safe place for people to share. Are you a professional counselor or physician?

    • Thanks for sharing Kathi. I’m a physician but because I practice in a less developed country, I’m a one man army- evaluate through neuropsychological tests, conduct family conferences, liaison with other specialists and service providers in addition to being a doctor making the diagnosis. All told, I love my job. Thanks for sharing and for dropping by.

  65. Hi Eva, Thanks for reading my blog on Granada, Nicaragua. I am looking forward to reading your stories. I have a dear friend in Melbourne, Australia whose wife has dementia. It has been hard for them as you know.

  66. Wow what a blog you have keep up the nice work. Thanks for your visit to my blog http://www.simplythoughtz.com and liking my post.

  67. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Eva. You do such important work, and I’m grateful to see you have a site dedicated to this topic.

  68. Thank you for visiting my blog Eva! Your blog is so noble.

  69. picaflores said:

    Hello! Thank you for visiting and liking my blog. I love the articles on your blog. Looking forward to reading more. All the best!

  70. hey thanks for the like on my recent post – Frozen in time in Souther Alberta.

  71. Thanks for liking my post An American Abroad – The Journey Continues. And I appreciate the focus of your blog. My mom died of Alzheimer’s.

  72. And thanks for liking my post Viva Las Vegas!

  73. Thanks for stopping by my post. I was curious about your blog title, stopped by, became more curious because you looked like you could be a relative (I’m Filipina too, raised in the U.S.). I wanted to say thank you also for addressing some issues that hit close to home…aging parents. I should say stubborn parents too… it’s funny how the tide turns as we age. Mom used to say “tigas ng ulo mo” and now I can say it to her! Anyway, I’ll be checking out your blog in the future… long distance “daughter-ing” from abroad is hard enough as it is and I can use a laugh every now and then. I’ll have to share with my mom too… Maraming salamat po!

    • Thanks for dropping by Melody. Yup, with the ‘gray wave’ and population aging, mahirap nang magpalaki ng magulang. We would become a generation who could have diapered each other (mother-baby daughter, daughter-aging mother). As to remote ‘checking’ on Mom and Dad, I along with other partners are working on this issue through tele-geriatrics. Health care delivery through technology has evolved so much we might as well use it to our advantage. The project is in its incipient stages but we’re hoping things will fall into place soon. That is to ease the worry, guilt etc of people working or living abroad about leaving their parents in their home country.
      Best regards to the family.



      • Eva, you could probably call ME “ate” BUT I think I’m only a year or 2 older (I turn 42 soon). We love overseas life but with Mama in Texas and some of her generation back in PI, I think she’s missing them. I’d love to hear more about tele-geriatrics. (I’m a retired healthcare administrator) Do you have anything published yet?

  74. Hi Melody. I’m 44 so you should be the one calling me Ate. But Eva should be fine. Telegeriatrics in the PI is different from how it’s done in the US or Singapore or Europe. We have to make it culture sensitive. Medyo marami pang detalye na kailangang himay-himayin. Will update you. My partners are from Harvard (Filipino but studied there) and former ADB officers and some marketing people. Telcos are involved too.I’d say we fall behind the more developed countries pero makakahabol din tayo. Alam mo naman ang Pinoy.


  75. Hi! I nominated you for the ABC (Awesome Blog Content) Award. I was moved to do so because I am delighted whenever I see an email from you in my in-box. You can read about the award at http://elladeewords.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/a-community-garden-and-abc-awards/ .
    Accepting awards to enable you to nominate other worthy recipients isn’t for the faint hearted or time poor, so please accept if you choose and there’s no timeframe on responding, or obligation to do so if it’s not right for you.
    Best wishes,

    • Ella, that is most kind of you. But for some reason I just can’t comply for now. I will try following the rules soon. Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog.



  76. Thandiwe said:

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. I’m eager to read more of what you’re writing. A dear dear friend of mine had his dad die just this last fall – his dad was 68 and had been mostly non-verbal due to alzheimer’s for almost two years. Thanks for raising awareness of this disease. Oh! And I would highly recommend “Strange Relation” by Rachel Hadas – a beautiful love story about saying goodbye to a husband disappearing within this disease

  77. inspiretoshine said:

    Hey there! Thanks for visiting my site (www.inspiretoshine.wordpress.com)! It’s great what you are doing here, keep it up!

  78. You do a great job with your blog bella. You are great whatever
    you do, wherever you go. Congratulations.


  79. Hello there
    Thanks for the like at ‘Hard Egg’, humour is easy compared to what you are doing. Keep smiling.

  80. reneeboomer said:

    Thank you for stopping in at my blog and liking my post. 🙂

  81. Craig Considine said:

    Thanks very much for the follow, Eva. I commend you on this blog. Important stuff. 🙂

  82. Thanking you for liking my blog, it seems to me we have a lot in common, be it Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s, sometimes the two are often thought the same. Thank you, I will be following you…

  83. You are doing fabulous work. This blog is helping many to fight these diseases.
    And I must say that you are doing great encounters….lolz 🙂
    keep up the work….all the best.

    Li’l Poet NJ

  84. What a wonderful blog you have here, so informative and entertaining. You are doing marvellous work bringing the issues surrounding Alzheimer’s and aging to light. I shall be visiting again.

  85. Thanks for liking http://www.stonewallgalleries.wordpress.com our blog is simply about enjoying travel and photography – you seem to be involved in much more meaningful issues that affect a great many people. Good Luck

    • Thank you also for visiting and for the kind words. Good luck with your travels and your snaps too!



  86. Can one die of Alzheimer’s? Or is it considered more a contributing factor? I’m not sure exactly how to phrase my question because my mother had Alzheimers. One night she slipped into a coma and never woke up. I don’t think it was the Alzheimer’s alone that was the cause. Anyway, I’m glad to have found your site. I noticed you quote The Beatles’ “When I’m 64”. Well, I’m 64. And I’m getting married next week- no wait, it’s this week, the 12th- to a woman who is 65! My body can’t do some of the things it used to when I was half my age, but she doesn’t seem to mind!

    • Hi Mr. Douglas. Best wishes and congratulations on your 12th! Most patients who have Alzheimer’s do not die from the disease but most of the time from complications arising from chronic debilitation like sepsis from infections, bed sores or other factors like stroking out.



  87. I’ve really enjoyed following your blog. Between your person writing on being a middle age mom and the insight into aging and Alzheimers you always have something of value to read. This being said I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award and the Genuine Blogger Award. Instructions on how to pass it on are on my site. http://wp.me/p2n3MW-30
    Thank you for the time you have put into your posts. I really enjoy them.

  88. I can relate to this experience. My Grandmother suffered from one during her last years.We are concerned that our aging Mom doesn’t get one. My father has other health challenges. It’s comforting when you see other sharing thoughts, makes you feel your not alone & gives you that courage to battle on

    • Thank you. It’s the population aging that’s making all this happen. We’ll get there ourselves before we know it.

  89. Oh, I like this! We are women, we are engaged in a life-long process of becoming our own best possible self — not the self prescribed by someone else (mother, bossy friend, loving spouse, Oprah…), but our own best self. With all its strengths and vulnerabilities. Lillian Hellman titled one of her books, “An Unfinished Woman,” and I love that thought. I am 69, I’ve had osteoarthritis for more than 30 years, and I am busy training for a 6-day trek in Iceland this summer. I am not finished! None of us are.

    • Oh my, you are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I hope you will inspire others with your embracing life and aging with enthusiasm and joy!

  90. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post on the Isle of Wight – much appreciated! You’ve got a great thing going with your blog here and I can appreciate how difficult your job can be. I’m sure there are lots of people appreciating what you have to share, so really, keep on keeping on 🙂

  91. Beautiful blog. I spent a summer working as a Resident Aid in a nursing home, and one of my rotations was in the dementia ward. It was the most rewarding and fulfilling job I had ever had. I saw other aids getting jaded by the challenges of caring for the residents, so I was always happy to swoop in as the “eager newbie” and help. My grandfather had dementia, and I knew that I would want him to have the kindest care possible, so that’s the same care I wanted to give to everyone there.

    • Thank you Kate! I am always bowled over by people who extend care to people with dementia with kindness and compassion. It’s never easy. Often it is a thankless job but others, like you, find meaning in what they do. God bless you.

  92. Thanks for visiting my blog recently. I like your blog theme dealing with dementia and Alzheimer’s. My grandma had Alzheimer’s and my mom was her primary caregiver. I swear it aged my mom by at least five years. You seem very compassionate toward those impacted by the disease – bless you!

  93. I have no experience (yet) of dementia, although my alcoholic mother ended with the alcohol affecting her brain, so I share some of the experiences, I suppose. Really valuable to read people’s stories and views, thanks. Thanks for stopping by my place too. Loneliness is a common problem with sufferers and carers, I think.

  94. Eva, I am touched that you thought to visit my blog and could find the humor in the process we call aging. I laud you for your site, Alzheimer’s and other dementia related diseases are so difficult to stand by and watch happen. My husband’s grandmother was victim of Alzheimer’s and it was a very difficult time in his life. She was diagnosed shortly after we were married (30 years ago) and I didn’t know her much beyond her disease. Our oldest son, however, became a link between her and us, as when he was but a toddler, she thought he was her grandson (my husband) and what she could not remember to say to him, she said to our son. I am thankful for that, but watching her slip away broke my heart, and my husband’s as well. It takes a very special person to deal with this day to day. God Bless You.

  95. Eva, thank you for liking a post on one of my blogs (http://threedailydelights.wordpress.com/) – I appreciate it! 🙂

  96. Thanks for stopping by and liking my post Eva. Had you not, I wouldn’t have come across yours…I’m glad that I did and have complete admiration for the work that you do – the subject matter is definitely something that needs to be publicised more.

  97. Thanks for the like! Have you seen the work by Tom Hussey? Some very moving photography about Alzheimer’s patients. Here’s a link: http://tomhussey.com/#/SERIES%20%20/Reflections/1

  98. Hi…thanks for stopping by. You have a lot of good information here! I lost both foster parents to Alzheimer’s. It was hard for the family, and for me too – although not as hard, I think because I was clear across the country from them at the onset. But it was hard to visit them and have them not know me, or at one point, to even know I was in the room. Thanks for sharing your insight.

  99. Thanks Eva for stopping by and the like.
    It is really a great Idea from a very kind and Heart-felt Lady

  100. Hi again Eva, so glad you enjoyed the photos of Granada, Nicaragua. It is a wonderful city of contrasts. I appreciate your interest.

    • Hi Marty,

      For all the traveling that I do, Nicaragua is probably one of those countries I am unlikely to visit because of the distance and the cost. I am glad that I get to visit it vicariously through your posts. Thanks!



  101. Hey Eva
    Thanks so much for the ‘like’ on my blog.My blogs a bit of a Alzheimers therapy in some ways.My Mother is two or three years into it, (the last eighteen months big-style), my stepfather suffered for six, and my Grandmother for four before that so I consider myself pretty much Alzheimers aware.
    Hand on heart, my blogging is all about ignoring it for a while, but that doesn’t stop me admiring yours.
    very best wishes

  102. Brilliant blog, and I can see by the number of comments that it resonates with so many of us. Keep up the great work!

  103. Great Blog and Thanks for liking my photos!

  104. I just recently lost my Mom. She had been suffering some sort of age related dementia for a couple of years. Her mother before her did too. Since I am only 20 years younger than she was I am watching for signs in myself…..

    • Hi, thanks for sharing your story. I’m sorry for your losses. And you are very prudent in watching out for signs but from the looks of it, the one in your family tree is late onset or degenerative type, the kind that comes with aging. Just keep a healthy lifestyle and keep the mind busy.



  105. Hello there,

    Thank you for liking my post “The Fantasy Wonderland”. I had a look at you blog too and it is very informative and touching…More so because I am into medical research as well, working on Parkinsons and Lupus…I fully relate with your thoughts and views and can only wonder about the predicament of those patients in the third world where dementia is not even fully understood and appreciated as a proper medical condition…Keep up the good work and keep up the humor 🙂 All the best..


    • Thank you Pankaj! It’s nice to know that a researcher like you (Degenerative and Autoimmune Diseases) would also be writing mainstream through blogging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for dropping by.



  106. I have a feeling that there are a lot of people in the world who can relate to/benefit from your blog! My grandmother had alzheimers. I wasn’t near her as she dealt with it, but whenever I would see her it was…interesting! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today!

  107. What an incredible light this blog provides to those who need it. God bless you.

  108. Congratulations! you have been nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Go to my site to view the details. It is well deserved!

  109. leelotchka44 said:

    Eva, thank you for dropping by my blog today and liking it. I love yours! have bookmarket so.
    SO much wonderful info available on the web.
    big hug
    Leelah Saachi

  110. kilobrush said:

    Wanted to drop by and have a look at what is going on around here. And I must say that I’m more than pleased. Keep up the good work, Eva!

  111. thanks for visiting and liking my blog post. your blog is truly helpful to the people suffering from dementia and Alzheimer’s.Aging has so many other problems that need care and also to be managed. Have been taking care of my mom-in-law for the last 14 years as she suffers from osteoporosis, obesity,diabetes,heart disease, and the latest addition now is DVT and she had an attack of PE which she survived..tough!!

  112. Very interesting blog – well done.

  113. Fabulous site, info & photography! Thank you for sharing!

  114. Eva thank you for visiting my blog. all the best for your work!

  115. kathrinaha said:

    Hi Eva, thanks for this blog, I believe it is a project that will give many people strength. My grandmother’s got Alzheimer’s as well and you’re right, it’s important for us and our society to keep in mind that we’ll not always be as fresh and young as in our 20s and 30s. Keep it up! I’ll follow your posts.

  116. Thanks for stopping by La Croix Du Reh blog, hope to see you again 🙂 – keep up the fight

  117. Hi, Rahul here. You have a great blog here…. And its really inspiring.
    Keep up the great work!

  118. Thanks for stopping by my blog and blessing me with a “like” on my last post “A Prairie Thing”.

    This is a great journey you’re taking here with your blog. Most people seem to be touched emotionally and mentally in some way by Alzheimer’s or some form of dementia at some point in their lives. I can relate to your compassion for patients and family through your writing, as I lost my whole family on my mother’s side due to Alzheimer’s, including my mother. You might say that I am an orphan to Alzheimer’s.

    Blessings to you

    • Oh, Shanomi, thanks for sharing with us your story. I really hope that this blog can foster grater awareness about detecting Alzheimer’s Disease as early as possible. Early detection can save lives, knowing that it’s a ‘family’ thing can make one adapt lifestyle changes that can delay the process. God bless to you too and all the best in everything that you do.



  119. tinsalipot said:

    This is a great blog! I can’t put it into words as I think all of them (people above) already mentioned how great it is. Interesting posts, already hit the follow button. Thanks also for checking my posts! Keep ’em coming!

  120. Inspiring and great blog. Aging is certainly of interest to me as well. Thanks for visiting my blog too!

  121. Hello Eva, thanks for visiting me at eighty wickets. Your blog looks very helpful. I used to work in dementia services many years ago, mainly in reminiscence and life story work. It became the subject matter for my first play “The Long Way Home” about a woman with dementia and the sister that cares for her. Keep up your good work.

    • Thanks so much Merryn! I’m flattered that you would visit and drop me this line. I’m grateful! Thanks for sharing your experiences. The subject matter of your play is very touching.



  122. This is a wonderful blog. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. So many of my family members have succumb to dementia over the years, and it is nice to read your take on this. My best to you and yours.

  123. Interesting blog. My grandmother had Alzheimers. Thanks for liking mine, I hope you check back. Take care.

  124. Dear Eva,
    What a lovely blog you have created for those touched by the sadness of dementia. Thanks so much for stopping by mine and I hope it brings a smile from time to time .
    Margaret x

  125. Hi and thanks for dropping by my page..i like your page as well. i may not have (yet) encountered people with Alzheimers but i am quite familiar with this since i’m a psychology graduate. i know how hard it is to deal with it and i pray for strenght for those who have it..

  126. Hi Eva, thanks for investing your time and experience into this blog. Reading your posts reminded me of a speaker I heard a year ago in New York while I was attending a conference put on by my employer Pfizer. Judith Fox spoke about her experience in caring for her husband Ed who has suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for several years. I was deeply moved by Judith and Ed’s story, which Judith captured in her book “I Still Do”. The book is an intimate photographic journey of Ed’s descent into the heartbreaking world of Alzheimer’s and how his wife coped with the continuing rigors and emotional struggle of care giving. I would highly recommend it to anyone who finds themselves faced with caring for a loved one or patient with this disease. I look forward to following your blog. — Rob

    • Hi Rob!
      Thanks so much for sharing your insight and Judith and Ed’s experiences and for citing their book. Others similarly situated may benefit from this. I see you work for Pfizer which incidentally is the US distributor of the successful prototype drug for Alzheimer’s Diseases, the E2020 or Donepezil marketed as Aricept. I thank you for the encouraging words and for following my blog.



      • Yes, the most rewarding aspect of our work comes when we meet the people we help sustain and restore to health. Hearing from those people who use our medicines and need our support keeps us focused on our purpose. Your blog brings those stories to life.


  127. Thanks for coming by Views from the Edge. What you’re doing here is very important and deserves a wide audience. I chose to “follow” .

  128. carpetbeater said:

    Thanks for stopping by and reading about my grandfather, I like the island pictures! I put most of mine on Facebook, you are welcome anytime.

    • Thanks so much Dave. I’m spending less and less time on Facebook. Most of my photos come from my Facebook album so I do it the other way around.
      Thanks again!



  129. Thanks for visiting my blog, Eva. I’m glad to connect with you and hope to catch up on your very interesting blog. My father had Alzheimer’s. I’ve always felt that we lost him five years before he died. My mother, now 97, is slowly developing old age dementia. Such a sad way to end one’s life.

  130. From japan. Always, tanks for visiting my blog.

  131. Thanks for liking more of my travel posts Eva. Your photos around Hawaii make me envious yet I look forward to visiting there next year 🙂


    • You’re welcome Nadia! Hawaii is worth a visit. I just wish I had visited more of its nature than just the streets and beaches of Kalakua.



  132. Eva – thanks for reading my post about Ecuador and ecotourism guides. And, thanks for your good work treating people with Alzheimer’s. Do you live in the Philippines now?

  133. Thanks for your like on my recent post on Chiang Mai.

    My father had Parkinson’s when he died and it was a grueling part of our life together. Part of the reason for my traveling now is to enjoy life after all that. What your writing about is really important, there are so many people out there who need the support.
    Let’s keep in touch.


    • Thanks so much Jen. Most kind of you. Chiang Mai has a lot to do with my professional growth because before an NGO in my country became the regional affiliate of an international not-for-profit for older persons, a university in Chiang Mai used to conduct a lot of post-graduate courses on Gerontology and Geriatrics and houses the Asia Training Center on Aging.
      I am glad that you have found the time to yourself by traveling and stuff. There’s a blog called LifeAfterCaregiving whose posts I sometimes re-blog in mine.
      Enjoy your travels and take care. By all means, yes, let’s keep in touch!



  134. NatalieSCook said:

    Hi Eva,
    Thanks for your like on my blog. I have never found your blog before, but now I have I am glad. My gran suffered from stroke related dementia and I don’t fully understand the effect it has had on my father.

    I hope to one understand dementia more than I do now, and I hope that your blog will help me!

    Thanks, Nat

    • Hi Nat! What happened to your gran is a form of dementia that may be categorized as Vascular Dementia. Dementia is a broad term but basically there is behavioral problem and memory loss. There are many causes, the majority of which would be age related or the degenerative type which is the more common form and is called Alzheimer’s Disease. Vascular Dementia is found among younger patients, those with risk factors like poorly controlled diabetes, irregular heart rhythm, elevated cholesterol. It’s usually correlated with imaging studies like CT-Scan and MRI that show lesions that denote one big stroke or accumulation of small undetected ones. It’s a technical diagnosis and must comply with certain measurements of the degree of changes in the brain tissue but the essence of Vascular Dementia is, in imaging studies, it has remarkable findings in the brain while Alzheimer’s Disease would only show age related atrophy of the brain. There’s also a Mixed Type – Vascular and Alzheimer’s Dementia. Often, the manifestations are the same but the demographics and risk factors vary.
      Thanks for dropping me a note. Keep in touch!



  135. Cecil Scaglione said:

    We have written, and continue to write, pieces on Alzheimer’s and dementia in the health/medical section of our Mature Life Features package. One of our writers has become a naionally recognized authoer/lecturer/radio personality and spokesperson so we know how important your blog is. ciao

  136. Eva, thank you for stopping by and liking my photo!! good luck with your cause !

  137. Thanks for your recent visit to my blog, Eva. You are doing important work here that is much appreciated by so many, I have no doubt. Keep up the good work! Cheers, PK

  138. Hi, I nominated you for a very inspiring blogger award:http://gfootsteps.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  139. Hello! Thanks for stopping by again to furrylittlegnome and for “liking” my most recent post. Keep up the good work with your blog.

  140. Rich Ferguson said:

    Eva, Thanks for your blogs..very helpful/insightful. My Mother is having Dementia issues and is on Donepezil,Namenda, along with blood pressure, and cholesterol Rx. I am wondering if she is also experiencing some depression..with Dad passing in 2001 and her siblings are now gone. I will take some extra time now to get her more active..hoping this will help. Again thanks for writing and posting those tropical pictures..a far cry from life here in the “Great
    White North” of North Dakota!! Rich

    • Hello Rich, your Mom is getting the best combination therapy there is – Namenda and Aricept plus drugs to control her other risk factors. About 30% or even more, of patients with Dementia may also have depression. I appreciate your effort to have her more engaged with life. Not all symptoms of disease would require drug treatment. There’s room for non-pharmacological treatment as well and in this regard, the ball is in your court, so to speak.
      I have plenty of tropical pictures because I live in a place with only dry and wet season.


  141. Melanie @ Thinking Thin Loving Food said:

    Hiya 🙂 This blog is SO needed. I have a heavy heart for those that are going through Alzheimer’s and caring for those Dx. This blog helps us to understand and be a bit more compassionate toward those who are going through this struggle. Thanks for stopping by my blog (total newbie), appreciate the smile (“like”).

  142. Rich Ferguson said:

    So Eva lives where it has only two conditions, wet and dry. Here in the “Great White North” I think we have two also- cold and colder!!! 🙂 Rich

    • Ha ha. Then Rich, make mine hot and hotter (or very hot). Thanks for dropping by. My niece is so unaccustomed to this kind of heat, her first day in this country, she wanted to go back to Canada because she developed rashes.

      • Rich Ferguson said:

        Eva…So your niece is from Canada? A Maple Leaf? The original “Great White North!” I have friends from Winnipeg.We go ice fishing every winter. Is she from BC, the Prairie, or the Maritime? Now that would be a change, from winter snow suits to tropics!! Rich

      • Hello Rich! Yes they are. Their parents are immigrants and they’re naturalized Canadian citizens from Ontario. Well, there’s not much ice as there is in Winnipeg.



  143. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my post. Thank you for your blog . . . I lost my mom one year ago, she suffered from Alzheimer’s.

  144. Thanks for liking my recent post on Mindful Travel. Enjoyed your travel pictures and the intent of your blog is appreciated.

  145. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I am so glad I came to check out yours. Alzheimer’s Disease has always been a disease that has intrigued me and one of the reasons why I studied neuroscience in college. I look forward to following your blog, thank you for sharing 🙂

    • Thanks for following my blog, I hope you’ll help spread the dread about Alzheimer’s Disease without forgetting the compassion that should come with it.



  146. Rich Ferguson said:

    Ontario..upper or lower? My GGGF arrived in Calabogie, Ontario in the early 1800’s. I’m doing some family research and may take a drive to Ontario. Yes it is much warmer in lower Ontario than other Northern US/Canada areas….I love to ice fish..it can be a very “social event!” Keep spreading the word on Alzheimer’s..I went to fill a Rx for my Mom today and was asked to donate $1.00 to finding a cure for ALS. My classmate lost a younger sister to the disease this year…another thing that needs to find a cure! 😦 Rich

  147. Rich Ferguson said:

    Toronto? The largest city in Canada..49% of it’s population is not from Canada and the lake keeps it much warmer than other areas…Good choice!!! 🙂 Rich

    • Yes, I think it’s neck and neck with London as among the most culturally diverse city in the world. There’s a place near Roger’s Center where the whole stretch is made up of restaurants from different cuisines you’d think you’re in the United Nations. It is very expensive in the heart of the city though, somehow they’ve found a lovely townhouse in the suburb.



  148. Thanks for the drop by and I find your blog interesting..Will follow..;)

  149. Thanks for liking my post, I will follow your blog as it’s subject is closer to me than I would wish.

  150. Thank you, Salo was/is special. x

    • Just like you, I do have some propensity to like things Italian. I love the lilt, the nuance and the cadence of the language.

  151. Thanks for liking my post Stonehenge and Manhattan. I also appreciate the dedication of your blog. My Mom died of Alzheimer’s in 2004.

    • Hello Rich, liking your post was my pleasure. Stonehenge has mystified me ever since I was a kid. Thanks for sharing the thought about your Mom.



  152. Thanks for liking my post and I am enjoying your Blog.

  153. what an amazing blog!

  154. fivereflections said:

    Very interesting space – look forward to reading here
    David in Maine USA

    • Hello David. Thank you. I hope you’ll find some of my posts interesting. My warmest regards to you and your state.



  155. philmaxbear said:

    Hi Eva, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and liking my posts 🙂 I’m really glad you enjoy them. I just read your about page and I’m looking forward to catching up on some more of your posts as It’s not a subject I know very much about though I really feel like I should.
    Best wishes, Phil M.

  156. Eva,

    Bless you for all that you do and continue to do. Having a few family members with some of the same issues you described, I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be. May you continue your work and your blog, as I am sure you are helping others daily get through the fog and pain.

    Best wishes,

    • Hello Jennifer. Thanks for sharing this fact about your family and how this disease is affecting family members. Thanks for the kind words. I am trying to sustain this blog and have minimal distractions like my injecting travel photos along the way. All the best to you.


  157. Thanks for visiting my blog, Eva, and I’m delighted to find yours! You’re doing amazing work in the world, and I’ll be following you from now on. Take care, and let’s stay in touch!

  158. I’m glad you enjoyed my post. Thanks for stopping by. There’s some great work on your blog.

  159. Exceptional work, Eva. I am so impressed I don’t know what to say.

    Just the other day, Cécile at http://tryingtobeconscious.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/a-little-sugar-in-my-bowl/ nominated me for the ” One Lovely Blog Award,” which I’d like to extend to you, if you wish. I’m working on fulfilling the rules, but you would be my first choice, if you’d like to accept it now.

    • Thank you so much! Award nominations are great and thank you, thank you for having considered me first but I’m bad at complying with rules. I’ve been struggling with it since I got my first nomination.
      Thanks for your thoughtfulness and I wish you all the best.



  160. Will you still feed me
    Will you still love me
    When I’m sixty-four’ – The Beatles

    I wondered about this briefly when it happened. But not for very long. Everything’s quite all right, in that way that eveything’s quite all right.

  161. This is an amazing blog and topic, so many people will be comforted by your stories and helped in multiple other ways I’m sure. Personally, having dealt with it mildly before my grandmother passed almost 4 yrs ago, I know it would have been helpful for me. Great job!

    • Thanks again Jodi. When I’m done with the phase of posting travel photos, I’ll be more circumspect and focus on dementia issues. Travel and photo essays to me are pleasant distractions. Thank you for the kind words.



  162. You do have a difficult job. My family has dealt with Huntington’s Disease. My father had it and my two siblings have it. My mother now has alzheimer’s and it is a blessing. She has forgotten that my two brothers have it and she just thinks there is something wrong.

    I agree with your point of humor being essential. Just last night I called my mother and she said, “who is this?”
    I said, “Your daughter.”
    She said, “Which one?” (I am her only daughter)
    I said, “Your favorite daughter.”
    She laughed and I laughed and we talked about her day from there. I don’t think she really knows who I was, but I made her laugh and that makes her happy.

    • Hi Cindra! I’m happy at at well you seem to be taking your Mom’s dementia. And that you find a dash of humor essential. The thing about Huntington’s is that it’s autosomal dominant which means a parent is likely to pass it on to 50% of his or her offspring.
      Take care and thanks for dropping me this note. I hope this will help inspire and offer enlightenment to the readers.



  163. Thanks so much for reading my blogs on my travel to Rome and liking them Eva! Appreciate it.

  164. Thanks so much for stopping by our blog and liking our “lashes” post. Much appreciated 🙂

  165. luchaniktravel said:

    You specialize in Geriatric Medicine, take incredible travel pictures, and write beautifully! What better topic to choose than one which could afflict any one of as we get older? Thank you so much for gracing my blog with your likes – I am very honored.

    • Thank you for the kind words. You have been most kind too. I am always taken to issues and photos on travel as traveling is something I love to do, especially or in spite of being a solo traveler. I’m still queasy about my photography skills as I just call myself a traveler with a camera. But thank you for the compliment. May we all be blessed and safe in our journeys.



      • luchaniktravel said:

        You are welcome, and thank you so much too for your kindness in visiting my blog and liking my posts. I appreciate it.

  166. Hi Eva,
    Thanks so much for dropping by and liking my post on Uluru. Love the mix of topics on your blog, looking forward to reading more!

    • Thank you. I first heard about Uluru from my on-again, off-again travel mate from Sydney. I never got around to visiting it because my friend is all over the globe ( four homes in three continents) it’s so difficult to keep up. But your post showed an Uluru that’s so much grander and more exotic than I imagined it to be.



  167. Cecil Scaglione said:

    your blog is what I think blogging is all about; like chicken soups and naps, they’re good for you and can’t hurt.

  168. Thank you for dropping by my blog. I look forward to more of your postings. 🙂

  169. Wonderful of you to like my farm to fashion post this morning Eva. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. You’re so amazing. I love your Jaipur post and all those photos. Thanks for speeking out on Alzheimer’s Disease, it affects us all in one way or another.We are all connected in this world. Thanks too for being one that shares about It’s ok to be human. So many in the world today need that comfort.
    Peace 🙂

  170. At the age of 69 – I am heading for Alaska again – hope I don’t “lose it” and glad you noticed a post.

    Schooner Fred

  171. Hi Eva!
    Thanks for your second visit to my site and liking my posts. I appreciate the support. On your about page I know exactly what you are saying. In 2010, I had to care for my mother the last two months of her life with complications from Alzheimers. As a unpaid care giver, it was diffcult as I also emotionally cared for my father. The disease and all the weeds of it is very draining indeed.

    • Thank you! Thank you for validating how important Alzheimer’s issues are to the patient and family members.



  172. I too was in the medical field (not a Dr. though), and so, cried and laughed with many patients and their families – a lesson of how fragile life can be. Thank you for your blog and for visiting mine.

  173. SLGrimshaw said:

    Great blog; wonderful writing style! My husband (15 years my senior) has recently been diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). After researching this disease extensively online, I now realize he actually displayed symptoms years ago. Thanks for your blog!

    • Thank you for the kind words SL. Yeah, FTD is something else. But if it’s any consolation, it is the fact that he’s already had the proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment can be instituted. I wish all the best.



  174. I had just nominated you for the Most Inspiring Blogger Award. http://marionretires.wordpress.com/ because I think this blog is wonderful and a much needed insight. Thank you

    • Thanks so much Marion. I know this comes with rules and I’m so bad with complying with rules. But I am honored, really.

      Many thanks,


  175. What a blessing. My in-laws are 90 and 87 years old. They went into a care facility just over 16 months ago. Their problem is not Alzheimers, but ageing, frailty and the illnesses associated with that. It was an enormous strain on the family, having to care for them at home. But eventually we simply copuldn’t carry on, physically, mentally, emotionally and our marriage was in serious trouble from the strain.
    Everyone is so much better now. They are well cared for, although the food could be better! But they have dignity intact which means the world to them. We have wonderful visits with them several times a week and it is great.
    The second thing is my personal interest in Alzheimers. I have had a virus in the brain which knocked me for a loop several years ago. I was really very ill, with all sorts of neurological issues. The worst was memory loss! Not knowing where the light switch was. My childrens names. Words! Then just a year later I had a car accident with serious concussion and neck injury. Memory loss again, in much the same way, but I was left with strange gaps in memory – random people, events, etc. 4 years later, another accident in which I had serious facial fractures and a blowout (right). Further memory loss. Just widening and deepening the types lost previously. I have been declared unfit to work. I have visual problems, despite 10 operations and procedures, and another one coming. I’ve read that this may be linked to the development of Alzheimers. I am 53 now. Should I be tested/screened? By whom?
    Thank you so much

    • Hi. Thanks for dropping by. I feel for everything you went through. If the injury is acute, the impairment may be transient. But if it involves a series of traumatic brain injury, there might be a cumulative effect and could result to impairment in the memory and other intellectual functioning, behavior as well. But from the looks of it, you write and sound pretty ok except of course from the complaints you conveyed. I would seriously consider having periodic neuro-psychological evaluation. Usually, big medical centers with a good neuroscience unit would have memory centers or memory clinic being run by a team of specialists. That would be a good start. This would entail a series of questions as screening tests that can give a hint as to what kind of memory loss you may be suffering or which areas of the brain might be affected. There will be a thorough physical and neurologic exam The recommendations might include imaging studies like CT-Scan, MRI or PET-Scan depending on how the neuro-psychological evaluation tests turn out to be. I suggest that you see a neurologist, a geriatrics specialist or a psychogeriatrician – any one among them specializing in memory or traumatic brain injury. You are still very young and have to look out for how things will be when you are older. There’s no price tag to keeping memories intact and a good quality of life. I wish you all the best.



  176. Hi Eva! I’ve nominated you for The Pink Tree Award. Please find it here. http://hazrock.wordpress.com/2012/06/11/the-pink-tree-award/ . Thank you!

    • Hello Hazrock! Thank you. I think these awards have rules I have a hard time complying. I’m bad with following rules but thank you. I appreciate the thought.

      Best regards,


  177. Eva. A much needed blog. We’ve gone through the dementia and funerals of both my husband’s parents in the past 2 years and I wish I had been aware of your blog at the beginning of that process. Thanks for liking my post “Forest Ghosts and Forest Green”. Hope you come back.
    Tori McRae

  178. Hi from England. I don’t find the aging process to daunting at the moment the frustration I find is other peoples reactions now that I am an older person. It seems to the young that whatever I say, or however well intentioned my words are, I’m out of date. But I have realised that having spent over 60 years trying to get people to see my point of view I now know that I don’t even have to try because most people will do what they want to. And I have a favourite word now ‘whatever’.

    Thank you for looking in on my blog and from time to time I will look in on yours but its that thing that none of us can alter, time itself.

    • You know, the reality is that, we live in an ageist society. Whatever it is that is young, new, novel – is beautiful. Somebody needs to put premium to the fact that still experiences are the best teachers and that wisdom only comes with age, wrinkles and all. Until now, we are struggling to achieve a society for all ages.



  179. Thanks for stopping in and liking my France post. Your blog is truly inspirational and I’m sure helpful to many.

  180. Fascinating blog concept. My grandfather died after 15 years of Alzheimer’s. I was out of the country for a lot of it, but I got to see the beginning and ending stages. It was rough.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, too, and “liking” (my husband’s 🙂 ) post!

    • My pleasure Jen. Thanks for sharing your grandfather’s story and validating how hard this disease can be both on the patient and the family.



  181. I worked in an assisted living environment for almost 7 years and learned so much about Dementia and ALZ. Those residents taught me about life and most importantly, that they live in the moment and we can give them happy moments until the end. They are so misunderstood. Thanks for this blog!

  182. Many thanks for liking my recent post. I much enjoyed visiting your site as well.

  183. Thanks so much for visiting our blog and liking our Jersey Girl Diner post! Your blog is lovely and we’ve both had family members with Alzheimer’s and appreciate what you are doing to encourage families!

  184. What a fantastic topic for a blog. THank you for encouraging all those out there who struggle with issues of aging. You sound like a wonderful person. I think as we share with people in those very painful places we get to feel the extremes of life. Bless you as you walk along side.

  185. Hi there! This is just to let you know that because I (and so many others) regularly enjoy your posts, I’ve nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. I hope you’ll consider this good news – but even if you aren’t interested in accepting, I hope you may see some increased traffic as a result! The acceptance rules are at: http://theretiringsort.com/2012/06/14/in-accordance-with-award-rules-the-nominees-are/
    All the best!

  186. Thank you for stopping by our blog and liking our articles. It’s a great encouragement for us who are new to the blogging universe. Your blog is an inspiration and keep up the good work! 🙂

  187. Hey Eva – thank you so much for stopping by my blog mumhowmuchlonger – much appreciated and right back at you – love your blog!

  188. Eva, my husband and I have worked for many years as fund raisers for Alzheimer’s. It is the very least we can do for this disease that is often ignored because it simply doesn’t have the cache. Virginia

  189. clownonfire said:

    You’ve been added to my blogroll. It was only a matter of time.
    Le Clown

    • Le Clown,

      What an honor. Now I am among
      the many runner’s up to world domination.
      You’re in the running for the top crown, of course
      Le Clown.

      Merci merci,


  190. Gotcha! I’ve nominated you for the Lovely Blogger Award, drop in to my page http://eat-o-live.com/ for details – congrats!!!

  191. Hi Eva,
    I just wanted to send you a note and say that I love your blog so much that I awarded you the One Lovely Blog Award. Congratulations! I received this award from a fellow blogger and as a recipient I had to award it to a few of my favorite bloggers 🙂

    You can read more about it on my blog, http://www.michelleswordpressyay.wordpress.com


    • Thanks Michelle. It might take a while as I have been so bad at following rules. But really, thank you very much!



  192. I find your blog to be an amazing read and have nominated you as one of my picks for the lovely blogger awards. Go to my blog to see a detailed post 🙂

  193. You have beautiful photos on your blog. Thanks for reading my Fast Food Tours. Gail

  194. Eva, thanks for stopping by my blog. What a very nice blog.. Frankly, I learn many things from your blog.

  195. Hi Ms Eva,

    Thank you for always checking on my little blog. Honestly, I feel very little when I check what you have. Now, I have longer time to read on your posts. Wow, it’s really informative and pretty diverse. And you write eloquently, intelligently with an excellent sense of humour! I enjoyed here and will visit for more.

    Maraming salamat po! 🙂


    • Walang anuman at maraming salamat din Mafey. Keep posting para marami na tayong mga Pilipinong nagsusulat sa WordPress.



  196. Thanks for liking several recent posts of mine.

  197. Hi Eva,
    I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award: http://thejottersjoint.wordpress.com/2012/06/19/its-lovely-to-be-recognized/ .

  198. Lovely thoughts you’ve shared here. Laughter is certainly a sweet medicine!

    Thanks for stopping in recently & the ‘like’ at “Memories on the Journey”… We hope you’ll come back again soon. Be encouraged & walk in Truth! Blessings, -jk

  199. Having a mother with Alzheimer’s, it’s always good to stumble over a new resource once in a while. An them one with beautiful photos added 🙂

  200. Thank you for stopping by my blog and letting me come across yours…great job with your blog and great cause too 🙂 Kudos to you 🙂

  201. Thanks for liking my post Travelin’ in London.

  202. Hi…sorry I’m late… thanks for visiting my blog n liking my post about Immunization…must say thats a great idea for a blog..sure its helping a lot of people..you are also a great photographer…love your pics…i hope my blog can also give you new places to visit next time you are in India…we do have equally beautiful places as the Taj Mahal…I will be visiting again..Namaste Shivani

  203. Thank you for visiting my blog. As it happens, my mother suffers from Alzheimer’s and I very much look forward to reading more of your blog. Thanks.

  204. Thank you for visiting my blog and liking a post. My mother in law suffers from Alzheimer’s and it is heartbreaking. I’m glad you found me because now I can follow your blog and share what I learn.

  205. I got chills reading this. My grandmother had Alzheimer’s to the point where she only knew who my father was. I think the stress of caring for her was a factor in his cancer development. I remember my grandmother telling me that she didn’t want to end up like her mother did, “losing her mind”. The genetic implications terrify me.

  206. pierrmorgan said:

    Thank you for liking my post today, Eva. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to take everyone up for a turn or two over Seattle’s waterfront? My folks have passed on – “graduated” as my Dad used to refer to it – not from Alzheimer’s. But may I just salute you, and all care givers, for your loving energy and compassion toward those in need of the extra care, kindness and patience? You make a huge difference. Thank you!

  207. What a great site! Thanks for stopping by mine. Do you have some background info on yourself?

  208. Great idea for a blog. I recently read “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova about early onset Alzheimer’s – which was heart wrenching although the story was fiction. And, I have a friend who was diagnosed at 48 with early onset which has taken her away.

  209. Such an important subject, those who haven`t been close to anyone with Alzheimers will never really know the grief and loss the patient and their relatives go through…

  210. Carl Parmenter said:

    This comment is completely out of context, and it’s one which should have been posted a few hours ago (I was busy) but I have ‘nominated’ you for one of those award thingys, which also translates to ‘I promoted your blog to my followers because your posts are awesome.’ Congratulations and spread the love. Yay

  211. Maraming salamat Eva sa pag-visit at pag-like sa aking blog. Ang ganda ng iyong topics at sharings sa iyong blog tungkol sa sakit na Alzheimer’s. Dito sa amin ay volunteer ako sa isang senior homes na may mga sakit na ganyan. Babalik ulit ako sa iyong bloghay. God Bless!

    • Walang anuman. Salamat at nagustuhan mo ang mga tinatalakay ng blog ko..Salamat din at malapit ang puso mo sa mga nakatatanda. Sana ay maipagpatuloy natin sa mahabang panahon.


  212. Hi Eva, thanks for vising my blog and liking my posts on my trip to London and Paris. I don’t have a family member who is suffering Alzheimer’s Disease yet, but after seeing the movies like “The Notebook” I was interrupted by the imagination of either of my parents catching the disease and it simply dreaded me. The best thing I can do is to be better at them whenever I can talk to them as they are.
    Great blog!

  213. Thank you for stopping by Keeping up with Carol. I thankfully don’t know anyone with this issue – pray I never will – but enjoy how you write.

  214. Thanks for visiting and liking our blog. You have a really interesting site here with some great posts.

  215. thanks for visiting my blog and liking it. i have just started. i will be following your blog, as i would like to know more about AD. regards/amit

  216. Thanks for liking a bunch of my recent posts. Best to you.

  217. This is late, so apologies for that… but thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my post on Cape Town. : )

  218. Thanks for the like on my blog.

    You have a well needed website….

  219. Thanks for checking out my blog. I’m glad you’ve decided to share such candid thoughts and experiences with the world. Alzheimer’s has also affected my family, and your healing words are a kind help to those searching for answers.

    Cousin Belle

  220. Just a quick note to let you know that I have nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger’s Award. See this post for morr info: http://theretiringsort.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1834&action=edit&message=10. If you choose not to accept, I certainly understand – but I hope this will bring you some new visitors, no matter what you decide. Thanks for all your interesting posts! All the best.

  221. Hi, this is such an inspiring blog! My grandmother suffered from dementia and passed about 2 years ago. It was very hard to watch her go through the disease. I wish I had stumbled upon this blog during that time. Keep up the good work:)

  222. Your blog is awesome and am glad that you stopped by mine – my brother’s mother-in-law is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and what you have is great info. Thanks once again for stopping by!

  223. Thank you for the like 🙂 I’m always in search of other doctors who write, because I’d love to know how you managed writing and residency training at the same time. Peace and more peace 🙂

  224. Please excuse my lack of respect and poor language at the start of this comment; I don’t know what was going through my head when I wrote this and I’m embarrassed by my thoughtlessness. If you could just trash these, I would be most grateful.

  225. Thanks for liking our summer playlist story! You’ve got a great blog. We both have members in our family that have had Alzheimer’s Disease. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  226. Eva, thanks for liking some of my Travel blog posts at http://www.lovelyspirit.wordpress.com. I think that your blog is one of the most necessary blogs I’ve seen. Establishing a place where Alzheimer’s patients and family members can gather to share, cry, laugh together, and uplift one another is – I’m sure – a blessing to many.

    I pray that my blog blesses you as much as yours has blessed me.

    Twitter: @Lovelyspirit22

  227. Hey! Awesome blog! My dad is elderly, 81 and still has the mind of a 40 year old and can still do independent travel by himself, albeit slow hehe. My mum only 57 has Parkinson’s. They live 5 hours away in a different town but my dad is too stubborn to sell the place and buy something closer to us. It’s so hard as my sister and me are in our early twenties and we need our space so them finding a property near us where we could check up on them every second day would be good idea. Thanks for listening.

  228. You have such a great blog purpose! Thanks for liking my post, it was such a fun day. I am so curious as to what the guy before me said that he wants to retort!

  229. What a great blog… I’m enjoying your posts. This video (which I’m sure you’ve seen) makes me cry every time! It’s soo beautiful! 🙂

  230. Thanks for dropping by my blog! More power to you! 🙂

  231. katblogger said:

    Hey. Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog. 🙂

  232. Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award! To see more about the award and this nomination, please visit my post at http://wp.me/p2ekZU-xl.
    I hope this will be welcome news for you. If you prefer not to accept the award, I certainly understand, but I hope you will visit the other nominees, and they will visit you, just the same. All the best!

  233. This is a little late, but thank you for liking my post 🙂

  234. I used to work with seniors with dementia, your blog has made more people aware, I love looking at the pictures on your site, thanks for sharing!

  235. Hi I have nominated you for the super sweetness blogging award. Please see my post why I nominated you. If you are interested, please pass it on.

    Pass the Sweetness…Super Sweet Blogging Award

  236. Eva the Dragon said:

    What a wonderful heart you have.

    I watched my grandfather slowly diminish as his brain retreated into the past. It is a tough journey for the person and the caregivers,in his case, his wife of 60 years.

    My grandmother lived with her own cancer for 15 years saying “I must stay alive. Who will care for your grandfather?” It was a great act of love.

    She passed on six months after his death.

    Stay well and enjoy life now – we don’t know what the future will bring.

  237. Eva, of course I was intrigued when I saw your name following another blog! 🙂 Do you currently have family members with dementia / alz? I found something very interesting recently and heard of two very amazing cases that were improved significantly in a short amount of time. If you are interested in more info, please email me. Thanks. Eva (too!)

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